What would make sense on a page about Writing?

Perhaps a writing sample?

I wanted to include a photo of a poem from one of my notebooks. I write many of them, but have been poem-dry in my current journal. So I flipped through a few previous notebooks. Weird that I couldn’t find one. Maybe it’s a sign that I should do this a bit later.

What else can I say?

I could brag about being an early reader and how I wrote my first plays and puppet shows at an age when most children are struggling with “cat” and “fish”. But most of my earliest works have been destroyed in moves, floods, a fire, desperate periods of destitution, and the cruelty of at least one sociopath.

And just how fun is it to read someone bragging about himself?

I could show some clippings from my times in print journalism and critique, but without context, isn’t that rather dull? Who would it be for?

Maybe old short stories while I was still figuring it out? Snippets from novels I completed and abandoned because they weren’t “good enough”?


A sample of the novel I’m working on now?

Not until I finish the current rewrite at the very least!

Some LinkedIn articles?

Now why would I torture you with that?

Alright. I won’t add this to the menu until I have something to show.

Maybe a drawing of two snakes opening a present?

Here you go: